15 марта 2011

Сьюзан Блэкмор о мемах и t-мемах

Меметика - новая отрасль знаний о человеке и мире. Сьюзан Блэкмор сделала следующий шаг за Ричардом Докинзом и открыла новую страницу в развитии эволюционное теории.

Cultural evolution is a dangerous child
for any species to let loose on its planet. By the time you realize what's happening, the child is a toddler, up and causing havoc, and it's too late to put it back. We humans are Earth's Pandoran species. We're the ones who let the second replicator out of its box, and we can't push it back in. We're seeing the consequences all around us.

Now that, I suggest, is the view that comes out of taking memetics seriously. And it gives us a new way of thinking about not only what's going on on our planet, but what might be going on elsewhere in the cosmos. So first of all I'd like to say something about memetics and the theory of memes, and secondly, how this might answer questions about who's out there, if indeed anyone is.

So, memetics. Memetics is founded on the principle of universal Darwinism. Darwin had this amazing idea. Indeed, some people say it's the best idea anybody ever had. Isn't that a wonderful thought, that there could be such a thing as a best idea anybody ever had? Do you think there could? Audience: No. (Laughter) Susan Blackmore: Someone says no, very loudly, from over there. Well, I say yes, and if there is, I give the prize to Darwin.

Why? Because the idea was so simple, and yet it explains all design in the universe. I would say not just biological design, but all of the design that we think of as human design. It's all just the same thing happening. What did Darwin say? I know you know the idea, natural selection, but let me just paraphrase "The Origin of Species," 1859, in a few sentences.

1 комментарий:

  1. "Возьмите первый шаг, как только жизнь возникла..."
    А с чего и как она вознила? Это как раз и должен быть первый шаг. Если жизнь - фундаментальное свойство материи, то она должна возникать и до сих пор, постоянно. Но эво-фантазерам это не интересно.
